#Hashtag Insights

What Are Hashtags…?

Hashtags are the new social media trend.
hash·tag: A word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it.

So whenever a user adds a hashtag to their post, it is immediately indexed by the social network and searchable by other users. Once someone clicks on that hashtag, they’ll be brought to a page that aggregates all of the posts with the same hashtagged keyword in real-time. Once a keyword picks up enough momentum it becomes known as “trending.” Trending isn’t simply a matter of becoming the most popular hashtag on the networks. Each users’ trending topics is different based on their location and social connections.

Still wondering how to use hashtags properly…?

Beginners basics:

  • Don’t string too many words together with a single hashtag.
  • If you post with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who searches for that hashtag may find your post.
  • Don’t #spam #with #hashtags. Don’t over-tag.
  • Use hashtags only on tweets relevant to the topic.

Which Networks Support Hashtags…?

Social networks use hashtags to organize data and make it easier for user consumption.
Twitter – Facebook – Instagram – Google+ – Tumblr – Pinterest – YouTube – Kickstarter – Vine
Learn to use #hashtags to broaden your reach on social media and be sure to look for advertising trends utilizing hashtags.

Hashtags have become such a common practice these days that people have started using them outside of their intended purpose. People use them in text messages, chats, songs, and advertisements. However, please note that overuse of hashtags can get a bit annoying!!! 😉

Special thanks to Sprout Social for these insights.

BBD Style



Say HELLO to another fabulous new Belle Media client!!! Visit BBD Style to stay up to date on seasonal fashion trends and the latest Doncaster offerings and of course Showtimes at the Women’s Club of Wisconsin!!! In fact, be sure to visit often because even this website’s style may evolve throughout seasons!!

Barbara Drake - BBD Style